When we work, we tend to abuse our body unintentionally. We become anxious because of the toxic surroundings, our mind become congested, we can’t take care of our body the way it should be taken care of, in short, we are losing our body gradually. Yoga and other exercises promote break on the toxic world that poisons our freedom to live well. It wants us to put some sort of attention to our body needs and go back to the healthy lifestyle that will strengthen our life. Yoga is a very known kind of activity that promotes different benefits to our body. The main goal of Yoga is to connect us and our spiritual self. Never doubted that it started from India. However, studies found out that there are more benefits for our health that Yoga can do. Focus is one of the keys to perfect sessions of yoga, you need one while doing so. Breathing is also being highly promoted because it requires proper breathing techniques our otherwise you will...